My client files are full of past-life regression experiences, accessed via both tele-sessions and in person. You don’t have to believe in reincarnation to benefit from a past-life regression.
Most of the time a past-life experience is the result of hypnotherapy, but not always. A past-life regression may happen at the specific request of a client or as a spontaneous experience accessed in the course of our overall healing work.
Here are three possibilities to explain what may be going on when a client has a past-life experience:
Perhaps we really do reincarnate and the past-life experience offers a window on a life literally lived before this current one.
Or, perhaps what the client accesses as a past-life experience is really information drawn from what Carl Jung called “the collective unconscious,” a vast, somewhat cosmic repository of human experience.
Or, perhaps what the client accesses is simply a metaphor their subconscious is communicating to direct attention to something important they should consider or explore.
Whatever the true nature of a past-life regression, it is one of the most fascinating and illuminating client experiences I’m trained to facilitate.