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A Higher Perspective Newsletter Archive
March 2017
Parenting from Both Sides of the Brain
When faced with a misbehaving child, do you find yourself resorting to lecturing, reminding, or even yelling?
Do you sometimes feel helpless and panicky after you have tried everything you know to do and your child still seems 'out of control' or withdrawn?
Do you feel frustrated when nothing you are doing is moving your children to be responsible and achieve their unique potential?
From Ask More, Tell Less: A Practical Guide for Helping Children Achieve Self-Reliance by Greg Warburton
No, this is not an anti-Trump rant. Honest!
In keeping with last month's theme of inspiration and focusing on solutions, I am happily introducing you to a resource that I've already begun to use in my practice with wonderful results.
I originally met Greg Warburton when I attended one of his workshops on using Energy Psychology techniques to improve sports performance. Since then, Warburton's Winning System: Tapping and Other Transformational Mental Training Tools for Athletes has been on my list of resources for athletes of all ages and levels.
As I have discovered, Greg's 35 years experience as a licensed mental health counselor was not limited to coaching athletes at Oregon State, but rooted in residential programs for the most troubled kids. As solid as his credentials are, it's Greg's genuine respect for kids and parenting -- and his understanding of the struggles that can happen with both - that infuse every chapter of his new book, Ask More, Tell Less, with authenticity and value.
Ask More, Tell Less is an excellent how-to for parents and teachers, for anyone who deals with children on an ongoing basis.
Greg's approach is stunningly simple. By posing key questions to the child instead of talking, talking, talking, the adult places the responsibility for good behavior, actions and decisions squarely in the child's hands. Step-by-step guidance is interspersed with examples drawn from Greg's client files. As I've begun to practice Greg's suggestions with young clients, I am seeing how effective this method can be.
Find out more about Greg and his work at Ask More, Tell Less can be ordered at Amazon.
And while we're on the subject of inspiring books and solutions, check out the latest 5-star reviews for Someone to Watch Over Me at Amazon. With families feeling stress from so many directions, raising spiritually resourced kids is an important component of raising self-reliant, resilient kids. Many families want to bring spiritual concepts into their home but don't necessarily have a religion or want one.
Someone to Watch Over Me offers a non-denominational, ecumenical path that makes spirituality concrete in a way you won't find anywhere else. Will you help get the word out? If you found the book valuable for your child - and/or yourself -- writing an on-line review is a highly impactful way to attract new readers to it. You don't have to have purchased the book via Amazon or Barnes & Noble to write the review on either site, nor do you have to post your real name if doing so makes you uncomfortable. My vision is 100 5-star reviews for Someone to Watch Over Me by December 31, 2017; with your help it will be so!
Since 1992, hundreds of adults, teens and children have found healing, renewal and replenishment through A Higher Perspective. My tools have become their tools: custom relaxation recordings, hypnotherapy, Essential Healing™, The Vimala System of Handwriting, The Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), The Tapas Acupressure Technique (TAT) and extraordinary opportunities for spiritual development. Please call 925-820-1949 or email me at to find out how my work can help you keep your balance in this latest wave of uncertain times.
Until next month, remember: All is moving toward the good.